
What are students’ My Tasks?

My Tasks is a place for students to store and manage all of their college and career planning tasks. It’s designed to help students plan the tasks they need to complete first and set deadlines for tasks they’ll complete later. Students can easily forget to complete important tasks when they rely on only memory or handwritten to-do lists. A digital task list is a perfect way for students to track all of their tasks in one place. 

To access My Tasks, students must be signed in to They can get to My Tasks by clicking on the list icon at the top-right of any page (see image below).

Screenshot of the Student Dashboard highlighting the My Tasks icon

How Students Use My Tasks

My Tasks is split into three tabs: 

  • Your Activities: Grade-level specific activities for students to complete. These are the same activities shown in the blue bubbles on the landing page. They correspond to the lessons available to educators. 
  • Current Tasks: Tasks students should complete during the current school year. 
  • Looking Ahead: Tasks students should complete in future school years. 

Default tasks for each grade level will appear automatically in My Tasks. Students can also click the Add Task button from any tab to create their own tasks related to academics, college, career, or financial aid. Students are able to include an attachment in a task, if desired. They can print a PDF version of their tasks to keep for themselves or share with a family member, educator, or mentor. Finally, students can track their progress by clicking the box next to each task once it has been completed.

How Educators Can Assign Tasks to Students

In addition to default tasks, educators can create tasks for students to complete. To assign a task, check out our How to Assign Tasks to Students tutorial.

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