
CaliforniaColleges.edu Updates: September 2024

We are pleased to announce that we have made a few enhancements to the table found in the Assessments tab in My Career Plan.

Screenshot of Assessments tab in My Career Plan on CaliforniaColleges.edu
  1. Students can now view and access all the Career Assessments in one place! Regardless of completion status, each assessment now displays in its own row.
  2. We added a new “Attempts Left” column. For assessments with limited attempts, students can now see how many attempts they have left for each assessment. For assessments with unlimited attempts, this column will just display “Unlimited.” 
  3. We added a new “Action” column, which displays a link directly to each assessment.
    1. This link will appear as “Take Assessment” if the student has not yet started the assessment, or “Continue Assessment” if the student has already started, but not completed, the assessment. 
  4. We added a new “Results” column, which displays a link to all previous assessment results. 
  5. We added a new “Date Last Completed” column, which displays the most recent completed date for that assessment.

As always, for any other questions regarding these updates, please Contact Us.